
Understanding Why Auto Insurance Premiums Are Very Costly

Learning the ins and outs of general and classic insurance coverage will help you get the right coverage at the right price. A number of factors determine the particular drivers that insurance companies give the best premium rates to. Before purchasing a new vehicle or a classic vehicle, always research insurance rates. Your insurance agent can inform you which new cars have the lowest insurance rates. Knowing the rates can help you in choosing the car that is best for you. By purchasing a car that has a good safety rating, you can save a lot on your car insurance. When shopping for vehicle insurance coverage for your teen, ask your agent to give you a quote, both as a separate policy and also as an addition to your existing policy. In some cases, you may want to insure your teenager separately. Many people believe that auto insurance rates go down automatically for young drivers once they reach 25. However, the truth is that rates slowly decrease from the time a driver turns 18 years ...

Does Car Insurance Cover Test Drives?

A good question you need to look into for the answer now. The short answer: Yes. If you're test driving a car with the intent to purchase it for your personal use, most insurers cover you for the use of "non-owned cars" (test-drive vehicles and loaners), explains Donn Sharer, an Allstate agency owner in Millstone Township, New Jersey. However, dealers are required by law to insure their cars, and that insurance would typically cover an accident that occurs during a test drive, says Sharer. "It's a basic cost of doing business," he says. Keep in mind, though, that in some instances, a dealer's insurer may seek reimbursement from you or your insurer if you cause an accident during a test drive. When you test-drive a privately owned vehicle, the same rules hold: The car owner's insurance typically covers damage to the car during your test drive, notes Sharer. In that case, you would be considered a "permissive driver" and generally would...

Typical Components of an Auto Insurance Policy

No one wants to think about getting into a car accident, but it's a risk drivers face every day on the roads. The various types of car insurance coverage are available to help protect you, your passengers and your vehicle in the event of a car accident. Here are some common car insurance coverage options. Liability Coverage Auto liability coverage is mandatory in most states. Drivers are legally required to purchase at least the minimum amount of liability coverage set by state law. Liability coverage has two components: Bodily injury liability  may help pay for costs related to another person's injuries if you cause an accident. Property damage liability  may help pay for damage you cause to another person's property while driving. Quality Auto Coverage Starts Here. When you drive with quality coverage, you drive with peace of mind. Allstate auto insurance can help you stay protected for wherever the road takes you. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Cov...


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Can I Get Good Car Insurance If I'm Under 25?

Young drivers may wonder, "Can I get good car insurance if I'm under 25?" The answer is yes. Your age does not affect the types of coverage you can obtain for your vehicle, although age is one of the factors taken into account in premium costs. You can find quite a few methods of getting quality coverage, while taking advantage of discounts you may have not known about.  Are You a Full-Time Student Under the Age of 25? If so, you're on your way to possibly qualifying for a discount on your car insurance that could help lower your payments. Here's the catch: You have to have good grades. But, nobody's suggesting that only "A" students are eligible for discounts. Many insurance companies specify that as long as you can maintain a B average, you may qualify for a good student discount. The main reason for doing well in school is probably getting a degree and landing a good job, but saving money on auto insurance could be the icing on the cake. ...

Lyme Disease and Other Insect Risks for the Construction Worker (Must Read)

If you work in an office setting, chances are you won't be getting a bee bite, a snake bite or a tick bite at the workplace. On the other hand, those in the construction business work outdoors. Along with the fresh air, sun and other perks, come the full disadvantages of working in conditions like tall grass and underdeveloped sites: exposure to nature's undesirable hazards. These of course include insect bites. With ticks and Lyme disease on the forefront of discussion, especially during the spring, summer and fall seasons, we, in the insurance ranks focus on the topic in regard to contractors and construction business. Attention, all builders and contractors: what happens if your worker is bitten by a tick and develops Lyme Disease? Will your workers comp cover the related damages? The answer to this is, yes, it can. Lyme Disease, if not caught in time, can do extensive damage to the human nervous system. It can also harm the heart, brain, muscles and joints. The dreaded d...

Internet auto insurance posts 13% growth yearly

Chinese internet auto insurance warmed up in the first quarter of 2018 after a 24-month of drop from 2016 to 2017 due to tightened regulation, data showed. Income of internet auto insurance reached about 8.4 billion yuan ($1.31 billion) from January to March, up 13.17 percent year-on-year, according to a report released by the Insurance Association of China. The China Insurance Regulatory Commission released policies to improve regulation of auto insurance market in July 2017, leading to shrinkage of the online business. The Insurance Association of China said that was because car insurance products sold on the internet lost their advantage in low price. Besides, under the rule, all information should be open to the public, which to some extent limited its marketing. Auto used to occupy the major part of internet insurance. In the first quarter, its income contributed 58.16 percent to the whole internet insurance business, down 9.11 percentage points than that of 2017. Meanwhile, the n...